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East Africa

Making Jesus known in East Africa, teaching vocational skills and building relationships with a forgotten community.

About a Sensitive Region in East Africa

Some regions where Faithful Witness teams serve are too sensitive to mention by name. This region of East Africa is nearly 100 per cent Muslim.  Islam is engrained into every aspect of daily life. Sharia law is enforced.  Of the nearly five million people in this region, only a small handful are known Jesus-followers.

Few places in the world have less access to the gospel. The only way for Christian workers to enter the country is by professional invitation.  University professors of various disciplines are especially welcome. This is a new and amazing window of opportunity to influence many millions of people who are living and dying without every hearing about Jesus.

About The Team

Led by experienced leaders, this multicultural team is in the early pioneering stages. They are all professionals who have been invited to share their expertise in partnership with local universities.  The team’s primary focus is to live boldly and sensitively as Christians in an unreached place. A high priority is placed on learning the local language and culture, so that they can build relationships and communicate contextualised gospel truth in the region’s heart language.

The team’s professional capacities and teaching roles afford them respected places in society and established relationships within local institutions. It is the team’s prayer that these opportunities would lead to gospel influence and that many would turn toward Christ.


We want to see God glorified by his transformation of this unreached people group within their East African homeland… We want to see an emerging body of Christ from among the local community that boldly proclaims Christ in a culturally-appropriate, contextualised way and that conforms to the word of God.

Pray for East Africa

Pray for peace and security in this region and for these people.

Pray for qualified professionals to respond to God’s calling to this region. Pray that a large team of faithful witnesses will establish themselves here and bring Christ’s love to these people.  

Pray for God to establish a people in this region who will call upon Jesus, worship Him, and share the good news boldly.

Our Team Members

Learn about the team members serving in East Africa.

East Africa blog

Learn about how God is working in East Africa

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