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Central Asia

Engaging the local community by providing vocational skills and language training to establish redemptive relationships and share Christ’s love.

About Central Asia

In this majority Muslim nation, one particular region of approximately 2.8 million people has remained especially secluded for many years. A very small number of local people call themselves Christian (.01%), and only a tiny handful of known churches. 

The biggest barrier to the gospel in this region has been restricted religious freedom. For more than 20 years, the region has been under strict surveillance, making it nearly impossible for Christian workers to establish an effective presence. This strict governmental control has left very few believers able to remain in the region. 

Cultural barriers and persecution are also significant obstacles to the gospel. Extended family ties are significant and strong.  Shame is associated with the perception that turning to Christ means turning away from one’s family. New followers of Christ are often shunned and persecuted by their families. These dynamics have kept many from turning toward Jesus. 

Recently, there has been a new openness to Jesus-followers and the good news that they proclaim and embody. The doors have opened for believers to move to this region and make the name of Jesus known to many here.

About The Team

This team’s desire is to make Jesus known to the local community and to reach across borders into several other Central Asian nations. The city where the team serves is a crossroad to many of the most unreached nations in the world.  Initially, the team will focus on language learning and cultural adaptation. Since there are few gospel resources available in the local language, focusing on language learning will allow the team to break down barriers and share the gospel more effectively.

The team’s primary way of engaging the community will be through the development of a business training centre to teach vocational skills and business languages to residents.  Because more and more people have recently placed their trust in Christ, the team has been able to plant a small church that represents a big beginning. It is the team’s prayer that this church will multiply and eventually send workers into neighbouring communities with no gospel access.

The presence of a multicultural team brings unique opportunities to the region. The diversity of workers demonstrates the global nature of the body of Christ. By embracing cultural diversity, the team can bridge gaps, foster mutual respect and build trust within the community.

In everything they do, the team will aim to be flexible, adaptable, and responsive to the specific needs and opportunities within the local community. As they build relationships, they aim to reflect Christ in everything they do, and bring lasting transformation to this forgotten community.


We envision faithful witnesses sent from all over the world cooperating with local Jesus-followers to make Jesus known throughout Central Asia… Ultimately, we want to see robust communities of disciples established, bringing glory to Jesus’s name as we make more and better disciples throughout the region.

Pray for Central Asia

Pray that God opens the hearts and minds of the people in this forgotten community, and that He provides opportunities for the gospel to take root.

Pray against the persecution and discrimination that is often faced by new converts from Islam and by Christians in the region.

Pray that God brings more workers to join the team in Central Asia to proclaim the good news through the region.

Our Team Members

Learn about the team members serving in Central Asia.

Central Asia blog

Learn about how God is working in Central Asia

Joyful scars
Central Asia
Why does Jesus's resurrected body still have scars? I could not remember if the Roman soldier drove the spear...
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