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Making the name of Jesus known among the Hassaniya through building relationships and meeting tangible needs in their community.

About the Kayes Region in Western Mali

The Kayes region of western Mali, bordering Mauritania and Senegal, is home to four major people groups – the Hassaniya, the Soninke, the Bambara and the Fulani. Access to this remote area is difficult and living conditions are harsh. Until recently, the only way to get there was on unpaved roads.

The primary religion in Kayes is folk Islam, a mix of traditional animism and Islam. Less than one per cent of the region’s 2.8 million people are Christians. Among the Hassaniya specifically, the number of known believers can be counted on one hand.

A significant obstacle to the gospel is the cultural mix of Islam and ancestor worship.  The fear of angering unseen spirit ancestors is a powerful deterrent for the Hassaniya to follow Christ.

Workers who are convinced of Jesus’s power to save and those willing to learn the nuances of Malian cultural values are needed to bring the good news of hope to this unreached community.

About This Team

The team in Mali is made up of workers sent from West Africa and East Asia who have come to the Kayes region to share the good news of Christ with people who have never heard. The unity in diversity displayed by the team is a testament to the truth that the hope of the gospel is for all people. The team looks forward to many more workers joining them from around the world.

The team has one objective – to make the name of Jesus known in the Kayes region. They do this by living among this forgotten community, learning their language and culture, meeting their practical needs, and building genuine relationships with them. The team’s prayer is that over time, these relationships would lead to conversations about the gospel, and ultimately, people finding freedom in Christ.

The Vision for the Kayes Region

To see a transformation of the Kayes region by sharing the good news in the community and growing followers who reproduce Christ.

Pray for Mali

Pray for bridges into communities in this region, and for God to prepare the hearts and minds of Mali’s people to be ready to hear and understand His message of hope.

Pray for peace and stability in Mali.

Pray for encouragement for the few Malian Christians, as they suffer isolation and hardship because of their faith.

Our Team Members

Learn about the team members serving in Mali.

Mali blog

Learn about how God is working in North Africa

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