Gospel Poverty and Forgotten Communities
In a world where information is available on demand, it’s difficult to fathom that more than three billion people have heard little or nothing about Jesus’s life, death, or resurrection. There is a great range of access to the gospel across the globe – Some communities have full access, others less, and some have no access at all.
Barriers to the gospel can be geographic, cultural, linguistic, religious, and political. And these barriers may exist where we don’t expect them. The Faithful Witness Initiative refers to any community with little to no gospel access as a “forgotten community.”

A Forgotten Community May Look Like:
- A community without a local church.
- A community with no access to the Bible.
- A community where the dominant religion is hostile to Jesus-followers.
- A community where Christianity has, or has had, some presence, but a significant portion of the population is still unfamiliar with Jesus’s teachings and good news.
Christian Presence in Forgotten Communities
In many forgotten communities, the chance of anyone making a Christian friend, or interacting with a Jesus-follower, is very low. So, people living in these communities are very likely to live and die without ever hearing the name of Jesus.

Faithful Witness
Exists to Make Jesus Known
We want to make Jesus known everywhere there is no local church, no mission workers, and no access to the Bible.
This could be a community in rural Turkey, a multi-ethnic suburb of Paris, France, even among a particular ethnicity or subculture in the city where you live. If there’s a forgotten community that you would like to see reached, hit the connect button and tell us about it.

Do you feel called to join us?
We’d love to discuss how you might become a faithful witness in a forgotten community.
Our Teams
Pioneering mission to share the good news of Jesus with those who have never heard it.