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Showing Jesus’s love through building relationships, sharing his good news and serving local communities in Northern Chad.

About Northern Chad

There are 30 language groups in Northern Chad, with a total population of more than seven million. No more than 0.01 per cent of them believe in Jesus. The primary religion is Islam and access to the gospel is extremely low. There is a crucial need for more workers to live humbly in these communities and introduce them to Jesus’s abundant life.

The region has one of the highest rates of food insecurity in the world, due to a lack of fertile land and rainfall. Climate challenges are compounded by a growing refugee crisis as Sudanese people flee civil war across the border.  Rapid population overgrowth has created a housing shortage for local people and refugees alike.

Stark poverty is a real barrier to the gospel in the region. Survival takes precedence over any other concern. To reach the people of Northern Chad, skilled Christian workers who imitate Christ help meet the community’s physical needs. Our workers create opportunities to introduce local people to the only one who can fully relieve their suffering.

About This Team

Workers from six nationalities are working across 3 locations in Northern Chad to make Jesus known to those who have never heard.  The diversity and unity within these teams is a testimony to the truth that the gospel is good news for all people.

Ministry in Northern Chad is done through learning the local language, building relationships, and partnering with established local organisations to meet tangible needs. Each worker is using his or her unique skillset and passion to reach people.

Workers are providing community healthcare services and veterinary services, teaching English, church planting, and establishing relationships with nomadic groups in rural areas. The team’s prayer is that relationships built through every ministry avenue would lead to gospel-centred conversations, and ultimately, communities of Jesus-followers established.


The vision of the Chad Faithful Witness team is see multiplying communities of disciples amongst all the peoples of Northern Chad.

Pray for Northern Chad

Pray for the destruction of spiritual strongholds that captivate the hearts of people in this region.

Pray for more workers to be called to share the gospel in Chad.

Pray for peace and security in this region, and that conflict will not hinder outreach opportunities.

Our Team Members

Learn about the team members serving in Chad.

Chad blog

Learn about how God is working in Chad

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