First, you must witness Him
Skin in the game
Peace of Mind
In the rural villages of central Africa, Ann learned people are desperate for peace of mind. Ann is one of several missionaries taking part in SIM’s Faithful Witness Initiative, which…
Nursing Chad back to health
A doctor’s pursuit of wellness for the people of Africa As the Christ Child lay in his manger all those years ago, the prophesy of Isaiah 9 became flesh and…
Asule’s Many Homes
Gifted discipler Asule left north east India 12 years ago to share the gospel in Africa. Today, her feet are planted in Mali; a piece of her heart remains in…
A Missional Legacy
Luke and Laura appear on the computer screen for our Zoom call, a toddler smiling toothily from Laura’s lap. Their other three children play in the background. It is a…
Faithful in study, fluent in hope
When mission workers prepare to relocate and share the gospel around the world, they often begin by studying a new language. After all, it’s difficult to talk about Jesus without…