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Skin in the game

by Dr. Jo

Faithful witnesses have skin in the game. Our work exposes us to risk, pain, and loss. Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news, faithful witnesses count the cost of making disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in communities where he is least known. Is it worth it? The only affirmative response is action, full engagement, and putting skin in the game. We go all in.

The writer to the Hebrews exhorts us, “Remember those being mistreated, as if you felt their pain in your own bodies” (Heb. 13:3). Please join us in this kind of prayer for the Faithful Witness team in Northern Chad, who risk it all to see Jesus glorified there. Their lives demonstrate that Jesus is worth everything we are and have.

Northern Chad has one of the highest rates of food insecurity in the world, due to a lack of fertile land and rainfall. Habiib*, sent from Ethiopia, writes,

A serious challenge is the heat of the air. The temperature today is 46C (115F), so it is very difficult to move and to serve. Many people have died from the heat and disease. But God has carried us to this day. My wife, Aisha, gave birth safely with God’s help and your prayers.

Climate challenges are compounded by a growing refugee crisis as Sudanese people flee civil war across the border into Chad. Farah*, sent from India, requests,

Pray for the refugees. Many are suffering from poor living condition and hunger. Pray for those few Christians living in the camp to stand firm in their faith as they face threats and persecution from the community.

The primary religion is Islam and access to the gospel is extremely low. No more than 0.01 percent of the population believes in Jesus. Barth*, sent from Burkina Faso, recounts,

Ahmat, who was hostile to me and the gospel, came back a friend. He fellowshipped with me for many hours about the gospel without even getting angry or threatening me. He now accepts the truth about Jesus, but he’s not yet ready to give his life to him as his saviour. We pray a lot for him.

There is a crucial need for more workers who live humbly in the community and introduce more and more people to Jesus’s abundant life. Zara*, sent from Australia, explains,

People here are not always open to hearing our different beliefs but after Easter a local friend asked me what that holiday is about. I was able to share how Jesus died and rose again. Though I find Arabic learning hard, God is using my effort to build relationships and to show the community how much we care for them.

Of course, we can also feel in our own bodies Kevi’s* joy as her Chadian community cares for her too. She writes,

After 10 months of home assignment in India, the rickshaw from the airstrip dropped me off in the village. My landlady came out and kept hugging me. She told me that whenever a plane would fly over the village the children would shout my name. When the day of my return finally did come, the children screamed my name out of joy. It is heartwarming how happy the children and my women friends are for me to come back.

The faithful witness team in Chad has skin in the game. They’ve entered deep into the community they serve, proclaiming allegiance to Jesus’s name at great personal cost. With the writer to the Hebrews, they have recognised, “This world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come … a kingdom that is unshakable” (Heb. 13:14; Heb. 12:28). And resurrected bodies with skin that is indestructible.

Let’s continue to pray for these courageous workers:

May the God of peace—
           who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus,
the Great Shepherd of the sheep,
            and ratified an eternal covenant with his blood
may he equip the Faithful Witness team in Northern Chad with all they need
           for doing his will.
May he produce in them,
            through the power of Jesus Christ,
every good thing that is pleasing to him.
            All glory to him forever and ever! (Heb. 13: 20-21)

Have you lost some skin? A wound to your flesh or your ego? Surely, Jesus is worth every bit of it. And, surely, he will also produce in you every good thing that is pleasing to him. Today, let’s go all in together.

Send a financial gift to encourage the Faithful Witness team in Chad.



*Names have been changed

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