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North Africa

Equipping college students in North Africa to effectively reach their classmates with the gospel.

About North Africa

This region is home to more than 106 million people, most of whom live their entire lives without hearing the name of Jesus or meeting a Christ-follower.

A significant barrier to the spread of the gospel in this region is the deep entrenchment of islamic tradition, and the strong emphasis on familial honour. For many, turning to Christ brings shame on their family, leading to severed relationships and even persecution. Workers who are convinced that Jesus is worth every sacrifice are needed to engage this forgotten community, bringing the light of the gospel to an unreached people.

About The Team

The team in North Africa is made up of workers from six countries who have come together to make Jesus known in this forgotten community. Together, they develop and disciple groups of sub-Saharan African college students to become campus witnesses.

This team has a unique opportunity to bring the gospel to the region. More than 20,000 French-speaking, sub-Saharan African students are studying in North Africa on university scholarships. Many of them are evangelical Christians, but few are equipped to share the gospel with their classmates across linguistic, cultural and religious barriers.

The primary goal of this team is discipleship, as they invest in these Christian students and equip them to reach their classmates with the gospel effectively. It is their prayer that this discipleship will lead to the growth of effective cross-cultural workers on university campuses throughout North Africa.


We envision a team of workers discipling large numbers of foreign evangelical university students to bring the Good News to students in North Africa.

Pray for North Africa

Pray for the Holy Spirit to go before the teams, and to prepare the hearts of those they interact with to hear the truth.

Pray for wisdom, perseverance, and encouragement for new believers who are scattered throughout the country without access to regular fellowship.

Pray for the local church to have great and meaningful impact on different spheres of society in this region.

Our Team Members

Learn more about the team serving in North Africa.

North Africa blog

Learn about how God is working in North Africa

Couscous for Christmas
North Africa
In a region where Christmas means almost nothing, Jesus-followers will gather to celebrate his birth and worship in Arabic.
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Difficult does not mean impossible
North Africa

SIM’s Faithful Witness project works in partnership with multiple ministry initiatives and denominations in unreached communities around the world, to bring the gospel to those who are living and dying…

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Called North – Pastor Joe
North Africa

The move of believers from meeting secretly in homes to meeting openly began with a call from the police. The voice on the phone said: “This is the police.” Pastor…

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A movement from south to north
North Africa

Myriam* removed her religious head covering, revealing her hair for the first time to the group of local Christians gathered for worship. “My brothers and sisters,” she said. “I am…

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Motherhood in missions
North Africa

Seeking the Father’s heart for mothers in ministry When Selam* was a newlywed, full-time missions work was simpler. She and husband Dejen* could travel at a moment’s notice. They slept…

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