Team Members In Chad
The vision is to see multiplying communities of disciples amongst all the peoples of Northern Chad.
*Team members’ names have been changed to protect their privacy.

About Kevi
Kevi is from India and has been living in Chad since 2021. In addition to Chadian Arabic, she speaks five other languages, and brings a wealth of evangelistic experience to the team. Kevi uses her cross-cultural and linguistic knowledge to help facilitate language acquisition for her teammates and encourage them in the process. Kevi has a strong desire to reach the unreached women and children in this region with the love of Christ.

About Barth & Mariam
Barth and his wife, Mariam, along with their children, came to Chad from Burkina Faso. Barth has been a pastor and cross-cultural worker since 2006. He brings theological training, a missiology degree, and experience with church planting to the team. Barth and Mariam’s big ministry goal is to train up new workers to reach the unreached groups, both in Chad and beyond, with Christ’s love.
Barth & Mariam

About Farah
Farah is from India and came to Chad in 2021 because of God’s calling on her life to make his name known in this region. She brings teaching and cross-cultural experience to the team, as well as her vision to focus on the evangelism and discipleship of Chadian women and children. Along with the rest of the team, she does this through befriending and building deeper relationships with them.

About Habiib & Aisha
Habiib & Aisha, along with their two children, came to Chad from Ethiopia in 2022. Habiib brings experience as a Bible and New Testament theology teacher to the team and finds it helpful as he engages in evangelistic conversations with local Chadians. Habiib and Aisha’s desire is to learn to share the gospel in a culturally relevant way, so that many in this region come to know the love of Christ and have a relationship with him.
Habiib & Aisha

About Ibsa
Ibsa arrived from Ethiopia in 2023 with a calling to make Jesus known in a Muslim context. Before coming to Chad, Ibsa studied theology and worked as an evangelist in the local church. He has evangelism and discipleship experience, as well as specific training on how to evangelise to Muslim people. In addition to language and culture acquisition, Ibsa is working to build relationships with locals, and start a church plant.

About Zara
Zara is from Australia. She came to Chad in 2022 with a desire to share God’s love with the people in this region. As she learns the language and integrates into culture, she hopes to use her training as a nurse to meet tangible needs through community nursing and providing health education. She is investing in relationships with locals, particularly women, and seeks to be a witness of Christ’s love to them.