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Witnessing God at Work

As we near the end of 2024, we are grateful for the ways God has worked through Faithful Witness teams this year. Gospel seeds are being planted in nine least-reached communities around the world. We have seen barriers to the gospel broken, redemptive relationships formed, new churches planted, and whole communities blessed. We have seen Jesus transform the lives of people we love.

Here is a closer look at how some of our teams have engaged with their communities this year:

Relational Ministry in Northern Chad

The Chad team is building relationships with their community. As they serve their neighbours, many opportunities arise to share the good news.

Kevi, a team member from India, shares, “Relationship is the key to everything here…I am thankful for this gift God has given me to share his love [with] people, go deeper into their lives through…a listening ear.”

As team members learn Arabic and new cultural norms, the love they have for their community is recognised. A language teacher is now open to reading Scripture; a neighbour asks for prayer; a young man accepts the gift of a Bible. Over and over, this team has seen their presence create opportunities to make Jesus known in Northern Chad.

Community Engagement and New Believers in Ayutthaya, Thailand

This year, the team in Thailand opened Joyful Heart Bilingual House and began teaching English and Chinese to local children. This private school has allowed them to build relationships with children and their families. As these relationships have deepened, opportunities to share the gospel have become abundant.

Just recently, one of the students began asking spiritual questions. It was an opportunity to invite her and her mother to church. The pastor shared God’s plan for salvation with them, and this family’s eyes were opened to their need for Jesus. They now follow Christ.

Since then, our workers have helped them integrate into a local church where they are being discipled. The team is encouraged. They pray many more students and families will come to Christ.

Church Growth in Central Asia

The Central Asia team lives among a community that otherwise would have no access to the gospel. They have seen God draw many first-generation believers to himself.

When a few local people first placed their faith in Christ, the team planted an underground church. This church teaches God’s word in the mother tongue of those who, until recently, had never even seen a Bible. Despite strict government surveillance, this hidden community has grown exponentially to 80 first generation Jesus-followers. We praise God for this radical Kingdom growth!

Making an Impact

We end this year encouraged by what God is doing through the Faithful Witness teams. We are excited about all that is still to come. We are also grateful for the prayer and financial partnerships with those who participate in this ministry!

It is only through generous financial contributions that workers like Kevi can be sent, projects like Joyful Heart Bilingual House can be launched, and new churches and teams can be planted in regions like Central Asia.

Would you partner with us, either monthly or through a special gift, to empower us to send more workers to least-reached communities?

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